League Rule

Sims @ noon  Mon,Tue,Thr,Fri.

Quick Sim unless other wise noted.


Keep all your organizational levels at the correct player limit.

AAA 30,AA 30,S-A 30,A 30, R 40.

If your team is over the limit mid sim I will send out a message cause we are stuck.  If you do not reply in team I will try to adjust demoting etc to keep sim moving.

If you have guys on DFA and it stops sim. Same applies if they refuse to be demoted or can’t reach you I will reach out via email to notify you if you don’t come back in a timely fashion I will be force to cut.

It is your responsibility to keep your teams in check. I will use all my power and time to never have to cut someone but I make that decision.


Allstar and Award voting is required.



Guys on DL if they are healthy and time is up.  Please move them where they need to go. If same players are being stashed on DL over a period of time either i will move them or send out a warning. This goes with guys on active roster who are hurt and not taken care of in a timely fashion.



Need GM’s to export couple times a week. Going long stretches without exporting is not fair to everyone.


If GM’s fail numerous times at any one of these things over and over and become a hindrance to the league, we will remove you.